Due Diligence Bulletproof

🚨🚨🚨 [Call to action at the bottom]

Startup Founders very often come to us and say: “Hey, we need to raise our seed/post-seed/bridge/A round. Can you help us on Finder’s Fee?”

They often harbor a hopeful belief: that somewhere in the vast digital ether, professionals wield investor emails like enchanted wands, ready to conjure funding with a mere introduction. 🧙‍♂️

Let’s peel back the curtain. It’s not just naivety; it’s the paradigm they inhabit—paradigms are the invisible framework shaping our thoughts and perspectives. Paradigms are the cosmic context in which we all swim.

Now, picture this: Startups, like snowflakes, are unique. Each founding team, a constellation of personalities and skills. And investors? Well, they’re not cut from the same cloth either. Some seek early-stage moonshots, others crave solid ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue), and a few—oh, those enigmatic souls—consider past and current round investors as cosmic dance partners for future deals.

Here’s the truth: Most startups we’ve met weren’t investment-ready overnight. They needed more than a snappy email. They needed elbow grease—the kind that polishes fundamentals, crunches numbers, different market positioning, and securing signed client contracts. In short: due diligence bulletproofing, because that's what investors will go at. 📈✨

At Periodic Ventures, we roll up our sleeves, dive into the data, and help startups go Schwarzenegger. Because building a space ship takes more than a spell—it takes hard work, iteration, and a dash of stardust. 🚀🌟

[Call to action]
Startup founders and CEOs, please feel free to reach out to us.
