Bulletproof your pitch and company

Periodic Ventures provides you, the CEOs and leadership teams, with a distinct hands-on business accelerator that equips you with the necessary resources and support to expand your startups and establish connections with a network of investors and partners in the US.

Investor: Derisk your investments

We understand investors are diverse. Our group offers expert guidance to investors in evaluating technologies, managing portfolios, and assisting startups with crucial elements like validation, business development, and marketing.

We support you at any stage you are in—whether it’s pre-investment, post-investment, or by becoming an integral part of your team throughout the entire process.


Who We Are

We are seasoned entrepreneurs with a combined 4 decades of experience in building and leading tech organizations.

We have a keen eye and passion for emerging technologies and a knack for directing innovative strategies.

We are based in New York and in Los Angeles, with deep roots and connections in Israel and the Middle east. Above all else, we are where you need us to be.